[RO] Salut! Suntem Monica (fotograf) si Pol (videograf) sau The Richters, parteneri de viata, de munca si, cateodata, de nebunii. O cilianca si un spaniol care traiesc in Berlin. Munca noastra este despre FERICIRE. Nu ii punem pe oameni sa pozeze, viata e frumoasa asa cum e. Suntem sinceri cu cuplurile noastre si cu noi. Fotografiem ca si cum toti ar fi prietenii nostri. Avem o legatura reala cu oamenii pe care ii fotografiem si empatizam cu ei pentru a le oferi niste amintiri reale. Nu ne pasa de standardele industriei. Credem ca e important sa iti creezi o identitate. Oamenii liberi si veseli, fericirea si pasiunea sunt lucrurile importante pentru noi. La conferinta vrem sa va inspiram sa fiti originali, liberi si sinceri cu voi insiva. Pe curand!

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[EN] Hello! We are Monica (photo) and Pol (video) a.k.a. THE RICHTERS, partners in love and work – sometimes in crime, too. We’re a Chilean girl and a Spanish guy living in Berlin. Our work is about HAPPINESS. We don’t make people pose, life by itself is beautiful enough. We are honest with our couples and with ourselves and photograph them as if they were our friends. We have a real connection with the people we photograph and empathize with them in order to create their memories. We don’t care about the industry standards. We think it is important to have an identity. Free-minded people full of laughs, happiness and passion is all that we care about. In this conference we want to inspire you to be original and free while being true to yourself. See you soon!!!

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