“I love the fact I can shoot both high quality video and shoot photography with a compact system. Panasonic’s LUMIX products give me the freedom to focus on the story I want to tell in whatever format needed.”
Since the year 2000, Daimon Xanthopoulos has dedicated himself to documenting stories he believes need to be told. Photography is a unique way to communicate because it’s not bound by language, and this allows him to focus on social issues, injustice and human rights, as well as the plight of people, especially children, in the aftermath of conflict. The photos can be disturbing, bearing witness, often eliciting an emotional response, but at the same time they can be artistically beautiful. “In my work,” he explains, “I always try to combine these elements and so connect people to the themes I visualize.” Daimon Xanthopoulos work is published worldwide by newspapers and magazines and exhibited at cultural festivals and museums and have received a number of international awards over the years for both his photography and for his more recent films created as a documentary film director.
Afrika: Madagascar: Malagasy Republic: Antananarivo:
UNICEF bestede twee jaar aan voorbereidingen en een investering van 7 miljoen euro voor de start van een groots opgezette mazelen vaccinatie. Mazelen is een zeer besmettelijke ziekte en zorgt jaarlijks voor duizenden dode in Madagascar. Op de foto 5000 kinderen die bij de eerste lancering van de mazelen campagne wachten op inenting.
Daimon Xanthopoulos
Transvaalstraat 36c
1092 HL Amsterdam
the Netherlands
Daimon@zonnet.nlAfrika: Madagascar: Malagasy Republic: Antananarivo:
Na een bezoek aan het kleine dorpje Mahalza rennen de kinderen van het dorp vol vreugde van ons bezoek mee over de stoffige zand weg. Er komen niet vaak buitenlanders in hun dorp.
Daimon Xanthopoulos
Transvaalstraat 36c
1092 HL Amsterdam
the Netherlands
Daimon@zonnet.nlAfrika: Madagascar: Malagasy Republic: Antananarivo:
De binnenplaats iets buiten Antananarivo waar door zowel volwassene als kinderen dag in dag uit hard gewerkt wordt.
Grote rotsblokken moeten aan het eind van de dag verwerkt zijn tot gruis.
Daimon Xanthopoulos
Transvaalstraat 36c
1092 HL Amsterdam
the Netherlands
Daimon@zonnet.nlSierra Leone and Liberia: September 2010: Documentary – The beginning of Evil – Begin van het kwaad –
Daimon XanthopoulosSierra Leone: September 2010: Documentary – Roots of Evil.
In the city of Bo lives the famous Kamajor initiator and fortune teller Mama Munda with her magical kamajor fighters. These fighters believe to have given magical powers by the only female high priest of the Kamajors, madam Munda. With the mirror in her hand she communicates with the Kasella devil that gave her these powers during the civil war in the country. With secret medicine and rituals these warriors are initiated into the kamajor group making them bullet proof, invisible and able to control rockets and bullets in the air. Their reputation as magical warriors are well known and easy to recognize by the marks on their skin and specially prepared cloths. The initiation process is killing and burning an enemy in many cases a civilians in stead as enemy’s where not always present. After killing them as a group they burn him or her. The ashes together with traditional herbs are put under there skins and gives them these super powers and many body marks. Also the cloths could only be prepared by special herbalist or magical priest. On the picture is a Kamajor fighter with Mama Munda in the back.Sierra Leone, September 2010: Roots of Evil,
A famous Juju healer en master at work by candle light. This famous Juju healer is traint in Burkina Faso and now works in the city of Bo. He uses Iron to generate water from and washes it’s clients with it. He also reverses witchcraft spells and curses disease. His working space is a tiny dark room with all strange attributes on the walls, lighted up by a few candles. Most healers are also involved in the secret societies known as Poro and are fighting witchcraft.
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