Marian Sterea

[RO] Pentru Marian Sterea, a fi fotograf nu inseamna a fi un maestru in tehnica sau sa detii cele mai noi camere foto, este vorba despre cum simti lumina, momentul si povestea!
Lui ii place competitia. Nu pentru premii, dar pentru acea stare atunci cand oamenii pe care el ii considera profesionisti ii acorda votul lor de incredere. Este intotdeauna frumos sa vezi clienti care ii admira munca, dar subiectivismul unei persoane care este personajul unei fotografii este mai mare decat cel al unui profesionist neimplicat, cel care priveste cu un ochi critic la munca unui alt profesionist. Acesta este pricipalul motiv pentru care el a intrat in competitii; Ele reprezinta un obiectiv, o imagine a muncii lui.

In toti acesti ani, Marian Sterea a castigat multe premii nationale si internationale, printre care: Fotografia anului 2012 – Nikon Romania, cu o fotografie de nunta, Top 50 Fearless Photographers, WPPI, ISPWP, The MPA, Wedding Photographer Society.
Este mandru sa faca parte din Phottix Pro Team, ca Ambasador Phottix.

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[EN] For Marian Sterea, being a photographer doesn’t mean being a master in technique, owning the newest cameras, it`s just about feeling the light, the moment, the story!

He likes competitions. Not for the awards, but for that beautiful state of mind owned when people that he considers professionals give him their vote of confidence. It is always nice to see clients that value his work, but the subjectivism of a person who is the character of a photo is greater than the one from an uninvolved professional, the one that looks with a critical eye at the work of another professional. This is the main reason he entered competitions; they represent an objective, a view of his work.

Through these years, Marian Sterea have won many national and international awards, among which: the photography of the year 2012 – Nikon Romania, with a wedding photography, top 50 Fearless Photographers, WPPI, ISPWP, The MPA, Wedding Photographer Society.
He is a proud for being a part of Phottix Pro Team, as a Phottix Ambasador.

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