Despre Philippe Swiggers

Bucura-te, distreaza-te, joaca jocul! O zicala de-a lui Michael Jordan pe care Philippe Swiggers iubeste sa o aplice in munca sa zilnica de fotograf si in viata de zi cu zi. Philippe se considera un fotojurnalist de nunta, dar are si proiecte in zona comerciala si proiecte personale. Obiectivul sau este sa surprinda momente din viata asa cum se intampla. Pur, sensibil, vesel si real.

In 2017 a publicat prima carte despre unul dintre proiectele sale personale care prezinta aspecte sociale ale Belgiei. Este unul dintre fondatorii workshopului de succes “Mind the moment” si mentor The Full Monty workshop in Amsterdam si iubeste sa inspire alti fotografi si sa impartaseasca din experienta sa.

In prezentarea sa de la WEDDCAMP, “Cures for Creativitosis”, Philippe va oferi o perspectiva asupra a cum iti poti gasi vocea in fotografie, cum sa fii original si cum sa iti pui o amprenta unica pe fotografiile tale.

Philippe Swiggers WEDDCAMP 2019

About Philippe Swiggers

Enjoy, have fun, play the game. A Michael Jordan quote that Philippe loves to practice in his daily work as a photographer and in his personal life. Philippe works as a photojournalist in weddings, commercial- and personal projects. The goal is always to capture life in it’s uniqueness and just the way it unfolds. Pure, sensible, joyful and real. In 2017 a first book got published showing his personal project about social work in Belgium. As one of the founders of the highly successful “Mind the Moment workshop” and mentor of The Full Monty workshop in Amsterdam Philippe loves to inspire and share his experience. In his presentation ‘Cures for Creativitosis’ Philippe will give you an insight in how to find your own point of view, be original and just simply you in your photography.

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